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Proyectos de arquitectura

Projects of architecture

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It trusts we and in our experience to develop your project of aqruitectura, more than 25 years in the sector...
Permisos de obra

Permissions of work

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We make all it strámites necessary for consegur the permissions to start the work that have in mind in the...
Proyectos de ingeniería

Projects of engineering

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We make complete projects of engineering, only count us cual is your idea and help you to carry it
Seguimiento de obra

Follow-up of work

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We make follow-ups of works and reforms to ensure the correct development of these with the maximum guarantees
Legalización de instalaciones

Legalisation of installations

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We are qualified to legalise installations in accordance with the current legality
Decoración e interiorismo

Decoration and interiorismo

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It has we to make your decoradores and interioristas
Auditorías energéticas

Energetic audits

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We make energetic audits to companies and professional - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat