Energetic efficiency in the home
Concerning us by the particular user and shelving the energetic efficiency of the industry, will establish factors determinants so that the home reduce this abusive and unnecessary cost. All this with small tricks related with the energetic efficiency and other more linked methods to professional level, speaking of form more skilled.
Tricks to particular level to improve the energetic efficiency
As well we know the main aim of the energetic efficiency is to achieve the saving of unnecessary energy for the sustainability of the home. Explained of another way, generate more with less energy. To continuation, will explain you tricks of energetic efficiency to particular level, totally applicable to users without need of any type of experience:
1. It saves in light.
To particular level think us that the simple gesture to turn the lights will improve this energetic efficiency in the home, the main idea is that we begin with this simple gesture to turn the lights.3. Election of ideal appliances.
Many times we think that the saving in the purchase of an appliance is the ideal, speaking of energetic saving would not advise you that you used/bought appliances without the energetic label To+++ , To+, To (energetic certificate). On the other hand, we advise you that you take advantage of schedules in which the electrical energy is more economic for the use of washing machinees and whenever it was possible, wash with cold water.
Finally, always we tend to cook and expect until the last second to turn the plates of induction and the ideal for the energetic efficiency in the home, would be to turn minutes before finishing to cook, since we will be able to take advantage of the residual heat that releases so much the induction, like our frying pans.
But the energetic efficiency goes much more there, to particular level induce us to improve it the massive substitution of our conventional lights to lights LED. Many times being at the end an energetic efficiency to the reverse collapsing our home of lumen unnecessary, that is to say, tall luminous flow in our home.
2. It takes advantage of the solar light.
Continuing with the anterior section always linked to the energetic efficiency, the idea is during the day, open windows and use the solar light. At the same time this council can be contraproducente for the isolation of the home and like this have to consume more energy in the months estivales. All these councils on energetic efficiency will remain resolved to perfection in the following sections.
4. Saving in systems of heating (radiators).
In our system of heating to achieve the energetic efficiency, will owe to begin by the purgado of the radiators. With the end that take all the inner air that has lodged all this time in his interior for being into disuse and of this way will achieve that the heat transmit directly to the inner water of the radiators and have not lost of energy in this sense.
Even following these councils will owe to follow the quoted in the section #2. It takes advantage of the solar light.
On the other hand, in a lot of installations are badly delivered the installations among radiators and like this doing a slower process of warming of the installation and a loss of constant energy.
5. Lost of energy in accesses.
A very important part in the energetic efficiency of the home is the correct isolation of the accesses as they can be windows and doors. The main council is to revise that we are endowed of double crystals in windows and that the carpentry of this east in correct conditions, since mainly the main source of energetic efficiency (lost of energy) comes from of the isolation of windows.
Nevertheless, the stray of energy also can come from of walls and walls, this subject already is more complex that would owe to supervise a specialist in the sector. Isolating the house with pertinent thermal isolations to each location of the home, for like this achieve an ideal energetic efficiency and to measure.
6. Regletas Standby
This been way expects helped in our energetic efficiency of the home among 1 to 4 W by receptor, in saying does not have to take to individual way but the global computation. The ideal would be substituir all the regletas without way Standby, but to practical level will owe of substituir little by little in the measure of the possible.
Councils and actions that would owe to take by a professional.
Ask a studio of energetic efficiency that englobe electrical studio, lumínico, review of appliances, review of boilers, supervision of walls and ventanales (lost of energy by accesses). With the end to improve our energetic efficiency in the home and like this can achieve our energetic certificate that will help us to spend a control more by the hand of the daily cost of energy.
Finally it would say you that you follow the quoted councils in all the anterior sections and put you in contact with a professional of the sector and ask an estimate with amortización of the investment of efficient devices, since we have checked that said improvement recovers in a band of time very short.
As always, the help of a professional will be much more effective that any one of the anterior, although with them can contribute our granite of sand to the global computation of energetic efficiency, saving these euros that to final of month go so looked for.
Remember you that from Proincat offer you the best services for your home and company from which, as in so many other fields, can help to improve the energetic efficiency, with the guarantees of one of the leaders of the sector.