​The half price of the urban soil descended 10,9%

​El precio medio del suelo urbano descendió un 10,9%

The surface transmitted in 2017 was of 27,4 million square metres, 18,4% upper to the 23,1 million 2016, according to the data of the Ministry of Fomemento

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The half price of the square metre of urban soil in Spain achieved the 153 euros in the fourth quarter of 2017, what supposes a descent of 10,9% in comparison with 2016 and a descent of 5,6%, in front of the anterior quarter, according to the Statistics of Prices of Soil that elaborates the Ministry responsible for public works.

According to these data, the surface transmitted in the fourth quarter of 2017 represented 8,2 million square metres, by a total value of 981 million euros, respectively 21,6% and 15,2% more than in the same quarter of 2016.

Along all the year 2017, carry a total of 20.789 transactions, 19,5% more than in 2016. The surface transmitted was of 27,4 million square metres (+18,4%) and the total value of the soil transmitted was of 3.502,5 million euros (+17,7%).

The most dynamic market in the small municipalities

On the other hand, according to the size of the municipality, are those that count among 1.000 and 5.000 inhabitants those that register the main rise regarding number of transactions, with 1.172 sales in the last semester of 2017, 55,4% more than in the same quarter of the anterior year. They follow the municipalities from among 5.000 and 10.000 inhabitants (+45,3%),the minors of 1.000 inhabitants (+36%),the ones of among 10.000 and 50.000 inhabitants (+29,8%) and finally the municipalities with an upper population to 50.000 inhabitants (+6%).

In these last, the half prices higher registered in the province of Barcelona (468,9 euros by square metre),in Madrid (456 euros by square metre),in the province of Valencia (425,5 euros by square metre) and in Balearic (386,2 euros by square metre).

In the another extreme, the half prices lower inside the municipalities of more than 50.000 inhabitants registered in the province of Ourense (33,9 euros by square metre),The Rioja (65,9 euros by square metre) and Murcia (86 euros by square metre).


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